Join the Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center, the Mayerson Jewish Community Center, and Jewish Family Service for this year’s Yom HaShoah Commemoration. On April 27 at 2 PM at the Mayerson JCC, we will come together to remember and mourn the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust and honor the survivors. The memorial service will include a moving candle-lighting by six survivor families, music, and prayer. All descendants of survivors are asked to light candles during the program in memory of their loved ones.
After the memorial service, join us for a conversation with esteemed author, Alexandra Zapruder. Author of Salvaged Pages: Young Writer’s Diaries of the Holocaust, a collection of diaries written by young people during the Holocaust, Zapruder will be in conversation with Dr. Sarah Crane (Professor of Judaic Studies, University of Cincinnati) on the evolving legacy of these diaries and their role in enriching Holocaust education today.