Join us for a gallery talk and tour celebrating Women’s History Month on March 23. The featured speaker will be Ray Warren. Ray tells the story of his mother, Fannie Warren. Fannie was born in the small town of Zwolen, Poland and was one of five children born to Rubin and Mindel Hofman. She was married shortly after the war began in 1940. After working in slave labor camps, she was finally liberated by the British at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Of her family, only she and her brother, Chaim, survived. Ray has a Ph.D. in Biology and is retired from Procter and Gamble. He is a founding member of the Cincinnati Combined Generations of the Holocaust, a predecessor organization to the Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center.
After the gallery talk, guests are invited to stay for a guided museum tour focused on women’s stories during the Holocaust.