HHC Kicks Off 20th Anniversary with Annual Meeting

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Holocaust & Humanity Center to announce new, permanent museum exhibit

CINCINNATI (September 21, 2020) – The Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center will launch its year-long 20th Anniversary celebration with the 2020 Annual Meeting on Tuesday, September 22.

The Holocaust & Humanity Center’s 2020 Annual Meeting, hosted via Zoom, will feature guest speaker, Dr. Stephen Smith, executive director of the University of Southern California’s Shoah Foundation.


Smith’s address comes as the Holocaust & Humanity Center prepares to add a new museum exhibit in partnership with USC Shoah Foundation’s Dimensions in Testimony project.

DIMENSIONS IN TESTIMONY enables people to ask questions that prompt real-time responses from pre-recorded video interviews with Holocaust survivors and other witnesses to genocide. The pioneering project integrates advanced filming techniques, specialized display technologies and next generation natural language processing to create an interactive biography.

“In our 20th year, we’re launching a year’s worth of digital programs around the theme of ‘Carrying Our Story Forward,’” said Sarah L. Weiss, chief executive officer of the Holocaust & Humanity Center. “It is fitting that we’re bringing in new technology to the museum that will allow the stories of survivors to be told in interactive and innovative ways for decades to come. Whether it is digital programming, educator trainings, or in-person museum tours at historic Union Terminal, we’re committed to carrying our mission forward for the next 20 years.”

Other upcoming 20th Anniversary programs include our weekly HOLOCAUST SPEAKER SERIES, programs ADDRESSING MODERN GENOCIDE, and an INTRODUCTORY LESSON ABOUT THE Holocaust.

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The Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center exists to ensure the lessons of the Holocaust inspire action today. Located at Cincinnati’s historic Union Terminal, HHC educates more than 200,000 community members through its educational initiatives, innovative programs, and partnerships. For more information, visit WWW.HOLOCAUSTANDHUMANITY.ORG

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Due to inclement weather, the Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center is closed today. For immediate needs, please email [email protected]