Meet the Staff: Director of Stewardship Trinity Johnson

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Written by Brianna Connock, Marketing & Outreach Associate

The mission of the Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center is to ensure the lessons of the Holocaust inspire action today. The staff at the Center work every day to help advance this mission.

Director of Stewardship Trinity Johnson works closely with survivors and with the stories that are at the heart of the Center’s mission.

Q: Tell me about your role and what a typical day might look like for you.

If I’m lucky, I have a tour or two to lead. I absolutely love leading tours!

Q: What is your favorite part of the museum?

My favorite part is twofold. First, I love that we have testimonies throughout the Holocaust Gallery to guide us through the experience and personalize each section. It is important for us to make a connection to this history and by hearing someone describe how an event made them feel, act, or respond, we are much better poised to connect with this history on a more personal level. Second, I love that artifacts are another aspect of storytelling and teaching this history. This is rather unique that we share biographical information and stories rather than just stating what the artifact is with archival information.

Q: Why do you think the work the Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center does is important?

Trinity and Holocaust survivor Al Miller behind the scenes of Dimensions in Testimony.

It sounds cliché, but if we do not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. If we continue to view this history as occurring so long ago and assume people were different then as opposed to now, we are missing out on a lot. Human beings are all the same and once we break down those “perceived differences” we will realize that. We humanize, personalize, and localize the history of the Holocaust and through that knowledge we are inspired – and challenged – to change the future.

Q: What about the Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning?

Every day at the office is different, so that keeps things exciting and fresh.

Q: What is a favorite moment you have of working here?

Museum opening weekend in 2019. After spending more than a year designing the museum, it was amazing to see it finally opened and how it was received. Since then, I have also been part of the filming of two local survivors who will eventually be part of our Dimensions in Testimony exhibit. Spending that much time with two survivors and being completely enveloped in their story is something I know I will never forget and consider myself so fortunate to have been part of.

Q: What’s something else you wish people knew about you?

I know just as much about music as I do about the Holocaust. I grew up in a music family – my dad was a drummer – so I am typically planning my next concert or Broadway experience. I’m also the first person to always say yes to karaoke.

Have questions or want to connect with Trinity? Contact her at [email protected].

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The Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center exists to ensure the lessons of the Holocaust inspire action today. Located at Cincinnati’s historic Union Terminal, HHC impacts more than 2.5 million people every year through digital and in-person events, museum tours, educational experiences, social media, and virtual content. From Australia to India, individuals from more than 25 countries and 30 states engage with our mission. For more information, visit

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Due to inclement weather, the Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center is closed today. For immediate needs, please email [email protected]