Standing up Strong
Join for a quick dose of character strength training, and discover the superpower you never knew you had. A production of the Cynthia & Harold Guttman Family Center for Storytelling.
What are your superpowers?
Each of us have a unique profile of character strengths — values and traits that come naturally to us. When you know what they are and how to use them, you can rise to be an upstander — setting off incredible ripples of change in yourself and the world around you.
In partnership with the VIA Institute on Character, this special series of short podcast episodes will explore the science behind standing up. We’ll unpack the world of insights this character strengths framework can provide for all of us in our day-to-day lives — and how we can lean into what we naturally do well to do our small part in strengthening our communities and the world around us.
Standing Up Strong is generously supported by the Mayerson Family Foundation

Standing Up Strong: Coming Soon
Check back here for new episodes
New episodes will be posted to Spotify, Apple and Google podcasts, as well as our Standing Up Strong library.