The Cynthia & Harold guttman family Center for storytelling
Inspiring stories that awaken the potential lying in each of us to meet this moment.
Stories have the power to transform — to change the way we understand ourselves, each other, the world around us, and our role in it. The Cynthia and Harold Guttman Family Center for Storytelling amplifies stories from past and present to unpack lessons from history, foster deeper connection, and spark transformative change. From stories of survival during one of humanity’s darkest chapters to those of upstanders who are lighting the way today — this is where compelling and authentic stories come alive to inspire the best of humanity.
The Cynthia & Harold Guttman Family Center for Storytelling is generously supported by Cynthia & Harold Guttman, Ariella & Andy Cohen, Seth & Lauren Guttman, Jeremy Guttman & Aaron Breslow, Sadie & Josh Gelb, Hershel Guttman, and Jonah & Ariel Guttman.

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The upstander ripple effect podcast
The first podcast from the Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center features inspiring untold stories of courage and resilience from those who survived the Holocaust, curated exclusively from our archives.
Hear my story
A weekly series featuring long-form interviews with Holocaust survivors, liberators, rescuers and their descendants, as well as today’s justice-seekers inspiring a new generation of the best of humanity today. As part of the Cynthia and Harold Guttman Family Center for Storytelling, Hear My Story is generously sponsored by Margaret & Michael Valentine.
standing up strong
In partnership with the VIA Institute on Character, this special series of short podcast episodes will explore the science behind standing up. We’ll unpack the world of insights this character strengths framework can provide for all of us in our day-to-day lives — and how we can lean into what we naturally do well to do our small part in strengthening our communities and the world around us.