Trainings & Programs

Take your learning to the next level. Attend or host a professional development or leadership training course.

From Bystander to Upstander:

Harnessing Character Strengths to Take Action

Informed by lessons from the stories in our Holocaust and Humanity galleries, participants learn to apply positive psychology utilizing the VIA Character Strengths to respond to moments of injustice and promote humanity in their community. We offer educational programs for corporate, non-profit, government, law enforcement, and educational organizations

From Bystander to Upstander:

Harnessing Character Strengths to Take Action

We empower you to become an upstander through this interactive workshop. Upstanders are individuals who stand up for their community and fight injustices, while inspiring others to do the same. They use their character strengths to take action. Learn your own character strengths then strategize how to apply them to make a difference. Now is the time to make your mark. Join us in influencing the future and become an upstander today.

menu of training options

 All options are offered virtually or in-person at our museum or your location. We are also able to tailor trainings to the individual needs of our clients.

  • Introductory Workshop | 1 Hour
  • Upstander Museum Tour | 1.5 Hours
  • Introductory Workshop & Tour | 3 Hours
  • Whole-Day Workshop & Tour | 6 Hours
  • Leadership Series | 3 x 2 Hour Workshops
  • Understanding & Addressing Antisemitism Workshop | 1 Hour

Understanding and addressing antisemitism

Informed by material from the award-winning Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center, through this workshop participants will learn about the dangers, misconceptions, and tropes of antisemitism and how it presents in contemporary contexts. Participants will explore how best to address this growing threat that has universal implications.

leadership workshop

Through this hands-on workshop, learn a framework grounded in the science of character strengths and positive psychology to work as part of, and lead teams that represent the best of humanity today. Find the synergy of mission, vision, values, and humanity!







Complete the form below and you will be contacted about scheduling your  training session. 

We're closed today!

Due to inclement weather, the Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center is closed today. For immediate needs, please email [email protected]